viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011

Free topic!

Hello everyone!
Today, the topic is free. There are many things about I like to write. But I choose only one, the end of the world.
The world is finish in some moment for our fault. So, is very important to do something for save the world. The global warming produced for different factors as contamination. The contamination by cars, factories, smoke of cigarettes, etc. affects directly the atmosphere and the air to breathe. The contamination produces the famous greenhouse effect. There are many gases in the atmosphere.
For cause the global warming the climate is change in the earth.  In the last years the temperature increases considerably. The glaciers disappear.  And many animals lost the ecosystems for life.  The rivers, lakes, and oceans are contaminating for radioactive and organic waste.
Also, there is much garbage affect too. Like plastic, glass, aluminum of tin, papers, batteries. And all things not use.  
Is necessary the recycling.  Is very important that because you recycle helping get a little. And care the world.
 I don’t smoke for example. I try not use bag of plastic. I don’t drive a car, I prefer the public transport. I recycle the plastic and glass. In my house, we keep bottles of beer or coke for then recycle. The batteries are specifically containers for discard.
I want have a child and I wanted they see the blue the sky and the ocean. And they met the forest and the glaciers.
You recycle right now!

viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

Hello everyone!

Today I`m write about my favorite photograph.
I like so much take pictures all the time. And I have many photographs of the Christmas, vacation, birthdays and happy moments with my family and my friends. Is difficult for me choice only one.

My family and I go visited to Chiloe that summer. We traveled from Ancud to Quellón. This vacation was very funny.  We meet many beautiful places.  The only bad is my sister not traveled with us. So, the happiness is not same without her.
 In this moment, my favorite photograph is of that summer. In the photograph appear my two brothers and me.  My mother took of photograph. In the picture, we are up the “monument of Generation of 70s” in Quellón. We playing guitar and we singing “El gorro de lana”
I like this picture because represent the happy and fun it was this vacation. It shows the three joking together. We always laughing the anything
However, the photographs would be great and perfect with my sister but is not that. We took always pictures together, the four. We are very close. We are very accomplices.
In my memory,  I always remember this vacation because was really good. And I wait the next vacation be better.

I love my brothers and I think is the last vacation with my brothers. 
Regards! See the next Friday!

domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

The education in Chile

                                                      Hello readers!
Today, I`m will to talk about important topic for all students of Chile, and the people in general. The education in Chile. The education is not good in our country. Depends on how much money you have. Also is very expensive. And not all Chileans can get a good education. Few people can afford. Many middle class people can not study. And many like me had to choose a college credit. But this solution is not very good because it is very expensive when you pay.
On Thursday May 12 a demonstration was conducted at the national level to reflect the general discontent. The students want a new free public education. The education is essential for life because through it can be done to change the country. But, in this moment, is not for all Chileans. 

The government not talks. And only I listen in the news is about disturbances. And is this the only thing you see on the news. Nothings good about students.  
 I would love to participate in the marches, but the truth is that I have scared. I have a bad experience, one day when I went to school students were protesting and good a pile of stones flew over my head, a glass bottle that was almost a Molotov fell at my feet. And besides that many policemen running towards me with the "guanaco" included. I'm a bit traumatized with that fact. But, I think participate very soon.

“The education is the our new revolution” like say Residente by Calle 13.

London in Google!

Hello everyone!

This week I will talk about activity in class. We had search information about London.
 In my opinion, London is not much interesting. I prefer traveling in America, especially in Chile.  The only things I like of London is Harry Potter!  Really is not true, I would like to know the British museum or some stadium. I don’t like London but activity was fun.
Last Friday, we had a nice activity to do.  In class, we search in google different touristics places of the city of London.  As Tower of London, the market in Camden Town and many museums like British museum, madame Tussauds and Tate Modern. Also we had to discover the ticket price of all places. Which we served tube station and that area was.
I studied tourism at school so I'm familiar organize tour. But I never did in English, of a country as far away as England. Also is new for me find information in English For me it is hard to find information in English but I'm sure it will become easier. The activity was very entertaining.
I recommend this activity because for me was very fun. I've always liked organizing trips. Maybe that I like so much the activity. 
