viernes, 29 de abril de 2011

Web site!

Hello my dears classmates!
Today, I talk about web site. My favorites, the web site I hate and few more. I discovered web site in the moment I discovered the internet (that is obvious!)
I don`t have favorite web site because I like so many. I can`t choice just one. I have three special web sites.
In first place it is YouTube. I don´t remember the moment when I discovered YouTube. But I only known I visit all days for my entertainment. I lost much time when I watch to videos in YouTube.  I like watch to official videos my favorite’s bands. And I watch funny videos of people drunks and falls skaters. Sometimes, I don´t enjoy with YouTube because now YouTube is have much censorship. Now is not very funny.
Also, I like because I can comment the videos, I can my opinion and that I really like.
My second web site is Hotmail. Can be boring but I have much affection for that web site. I have my first mail in this web.  I talk with my friends for msn. 
My third web site is... I haven`t third. Before, I liked Wikipedia but now I know that sometimes the Wikipedia lie.  

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